Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Bob Dotson 2

What strikes me as interesting is that he has good comparisons and an abstract thought process for his profession. For example he compares great storytelling with onions and peeling back their layers. He knows how to appeal to his audience in many ways including based on their intelligence and learning processes. He knows how to emphasize key factors. I think this could possibly help writers because Bob is a very good writer and communicator. I agree with his writing is to express and not to impress. I like that his writing creates imagery and can bring memories.


In the first story he is eliminating the remote because the writer has actively used a good attention getter that is interesting to all audiences. He then connects it emotionally with the family and team. He uses voice by quoting the kids involved and giving them personalities and portraying their story well. Also by noting personal details about them such as that they are twins. Also using voice by describing the events of what happened once he won. The author used surprise by noting that the parents did not take the money since the wrong twin made the shot.


Author used voice by showing the football players mom and the drama she was going through with her son's last football game. Used surprise by noting she was the second longest reign of football parents in America. Also uses surprise by the fact that the parents have 12 children and they are all male. Surprised by 24 straight years and seasons of football for the same high school. The reporter is very conversational with the parents and leads good conversations for the story.

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